Tuesday, 4 February 2014

How To Recognize Mild Seizure Symptoms

Many early symptoms of a seizure disorder are overlooked due to the fact that they are mild and present as repetitive behaviors rarely associated with seizures. Mild seizure symptoms can present as staring spells, repetitive movements such as sucking, or chewing motions, blinking, lip smacking, uncontrollable laughter, or even singing and incontinence. Being aware of the milder presentations of seizures can help you recognize the condition and seek proper help.

Petite Mal seizures, also called Absence Seizures, are extremely brief seizures that are often mistaken for daydreaming or lack of attentiveness. Because the seizures can last for as little as a few seconds, it can be easy to miss completely. In some cases Petite Mal seizures are accompanied by a repetitive motion, such as chewing, waving or smacking and the patient is completely unaware of the gap in time.

Other mild seizure symptoms include sporadic jerking movements, these are especially easy to miss in very young children and babies whose movements might be explained by their underdeveloped muscle and control. These seizures commonly present right after waking up and cause sudden jerks of the shoulder and arms, and in some cases legs. It is important to treat these seemingly mild seizures as in some cases it can spread to the rest of the brain, when that occurs it results in a generalized tonic-clonic seizure.

 Uncontrollable laughter or crying are another one of the mild seizure symptoms that shouldn't be ignored and could be the result of a gelastic or dacrystic seizures. The vocalization usually sounds forced, in many cases these seizures follow an aura or feeling of panic or fear. During the seizure the patient might have a blank or vacant stare, or have rapid or unusual eye movement.

Sudden falls, swallowing, sweating, lip smacking, eye fluttering or falling down can also be symptoms of seizures. In some cases a seizure will be preempted by a feeling of panic, euphoria,nausea or unusual sensations,  in others there is no warning sign before the seizure. Once the seizure is over the patient may experience confusion, memory loss or weakness and will take a while to return to full lucidity.  

Being aware of some of the milder seizure symptoms is important to early diagnosis and treatment. Treating seemingly mild seizures is essential in order to avoid brain damage due to seizure activity and to prevent more dangerous seizures from presenting in the patient.

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