Wednesday, 29 January 2014

What To Know About Common Childhood Mental Disorders

It seems particularly troubling to hear about childhood mental disorders. In some cases, the appearance of disorders in childhood can mean that they are particularly severe. In other cases, kids grow out of the worst of the condition eventually, and there is plenty of reason to be optimistic. Consider some common childhood mental disorders.

Pervasive Developmental Disorders

PDD is the general category under which conditions like autism get listed. Typically, PDD is used to refer to children who have mild symptoms. Autism might be used to refer to children who have more severe symptoms.

High-functioning and intelligent children with PDD or autism may never totally get cured, but they may go on to lead fairly normal lives. In more severe cases, the individual might need lifelong care and attention.

Scientists believe that PDD is caused by a combination of genetics and environmental factors, but they have not proven that there is one cause or if everybody who gets labelled with PDD actually has the same disorder.


There are several different types of this cognitive and behavioral disorder. This mental disease usually manifests symptoms in late teen or young adult years. Typically, when children display signs of schizophrenia it means that the disorder may become severe. That means that it is an example of one of the most alarming childhood mental disorders. The most important thing is to make sure these children get proper therapy and medication as soon as possible after they display symptoms.

Some schizophrenics manage to cope with their disorder enough to live very productive lives, but those who suffer from more severe symptoms might always need additional care.

Attention Deficit Disorders

This is a disorder that commonly shows up in childhood after children begin school. Children who have ADD have trouble focusing and paying attention. Some may have behavioral problems too. Symptoms might range from mild to severe. Many children who have ADD benefit from therapy and medication.

Many of these children end up growing out of the worst symptoms because they learn to cope, but some individuals who suffer from ADD have to get treated when they are adults too. Most children with attention deficit disorder grow up to lead productive lives.

Anxiety Disorders

Symptoms of anxiety might occur on their own, but they often show up as a symptom of another condition. In some cases, the disorder might be genetic, but they may also be caused because of childhood trauma. A doctor might recommend therapy or medication to help treat this disorder, so the child can function normally in school and social activities.

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