Friday, 17 January 2014

Is There A Way Of Preventing Autism?

Autism is sort of an umbrella term that covers a lot of different symptoms that might be displayed by a child or adult. These symptoms could also vary in there severity. The thing is that there is no blood or chemical test for any type of autism, so medical researchers are not even sure if everybody who gets diagnosed with this disorder has the same problem with the same cause.

What does that mean if you are planning to have a baby? That means there is no reliable way of preventing autism at this time.

What Causes Autism?

Most scientists and doctors agree that there is a strong genetic link to some types of this disorder. In the past, less people were actually diagnosed with this disorder, but when parents think about their relatives, they might begin to see that some of them had signs of living with autism without even knowing it. While autism is sometimes severely disabling, many adults learn how to cope with this disorder and lead productive and happy lives. Some autistic people even have exceptional talents.

It is also unclear why the rate of children who are diagnosed with autism has increased. It might simply be that diagnosis has improved. In the past, fairly high functioning people with some types of this disorder might have simply been considered odd or slow. Of course, many people with autism are very intelligent, but they might not exhibit very good social graces.

Is There A Way Of Preventing Autism?

Some people blame the increased rate of autism on older maternal ages, shots, food, or the environment. While some of these might cause some forms of this disorder, no actual scientific link has been established. Also, no official body like the CDC has official guidelines for preventing autism because it is not truly known how or if that can be done.

Until then, it is probably best for expectant mothers to simply take care of their health as well as they can. The same could be said for new mothers who want to prevent any sort of health problems for themselves and their children. Listen to the doctor's recommendation for diets and supplements, avoid alcohol or illegal drugs, and get plenty or rest and relaxation while pregnant.

Mothers might not be able to control their genetics, but they can try to control possible environmental factors as much as possible.

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