Friday, 31 January 2014

Different Types Of Autism And What Symptoms To Expect

There are a large variety of associated symptoms when it comes to autism and many different types of autism. Generally, autism is a disorder accompanied by neurobehavioral issues regarding communication, social interaction and other developmental problems. The severity of symptoms ranges anywhere from someone needing constant supervision and even institutionalized care down to a slight handicap where the person is able to take care of his or her own needs and otherwise live normally.

People with autism often have a hard time deciphering other's feelings, making it hard for them to interact socially. Experiencing this as a child can be very frustrating, and when symptoms are not addressed properly, the condition can worsen. Parents and other caregivers can feel overwhelmed at times when caring for someone with autism, and that is why they are always encouraged to seek out help from medical professionals and organizations that can ensure their child gets all the required care.

When it comes to different types of autism, not only do symptoms vary, but there are going to be individual circumstances that arise from time to time which both the child and caregiver have to learn to manage. For example, a person with autism might have a certain repetitive movement he or she always makes, or the person might be afraid of water. Certain "ticks" can cause extremely volatile situations for some, and it takes a learn as you go approach when it comes to these situations.

Autistic individuals can also be classified as "savant." This means that aside from the symptoms that afflict them, they have special talents that usually blow the minds of most other people. For example, an autistic savant individual might find a piano one day, sit down, and start playing compositions that would take years for others to learn. Not all autistic people are savant, and the ones that are do not all have the same talents.

The idea behind and autistic person being classified as "savant" further develops the medical perspective that autism has much to do with uneven cognitive development. If your child has been diagnosed with autism, you've surely had a look at the different types of autism and how to manage your child's symptoms and help them develop and live a happy life. No doubt your child is special and when autism is managed properly, all the unique blessings stemming from the condition are allowed to surface.

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

What To Know About Common Childhood Mental Disorders

It seems particularly troubling to hear about childhood mental disorders. In some cases, the appearance of disorders in childhood can mean that they are particularly severe. In other cases, kids grow out of the worst of the condition eventually, and there is plenty of reason to be optimistic. Consider some common childhood mental disorders.

Pervasive Developmental Disorders

PDD is the general category under which conditions like autism get listed. Typically, PDD is used to refer to children who have mild symptoms. Autism might be used to refer to children who have more severe symptoms.

High-functioning and intelligent children with PDD or autism may never totally get cured, but they may go on to lead fairly normal lives. In more severe cases, the individual might need lifelong care and attention.

Scientists believe that PDD is caused by a combination of genetics and environmental factors, but they have not proven that there is one cause or if everybody who gets labelled with PDD actually has the same disorder.


There are several different types of this cognitive and behavioral disorder. This mental disease usually manifests symptoms in late teen or young adult years. Typically, when children display signs of schizophrenia it means that the disorder may become severe. That means that it is an example of one of the most alarming childhood mental disorders. The most important thing is to make sure these children get proper therapy and medication as soon as possible after they display symptoms.

Some schizophrenics manage to cope with their disorder enough to live very productive lives, but those who suffer from more severe symptoms might always need additional care.

Attention Deficit Disorders

This is a disorder that commonly shows up in childhood after children begin school. Children who have ADD have trouble focusing and paying attention. Some may have behavioral problems too. Symptoms might range from mild to severe. Many children who have ADD benefit from therapy and medication.

Many of these children end up growing out of the worst symptoms because they learn to cope, but some individuals who suffer from ADD have to get treated when they are adults too. Most children with attention deficit disorder grow up to lead productive lives.

Anxiety Disorders

Symptoms of anxiety might occur on their own, but they often show up as a symptom of another condition. In some cases, the disorder might be genetic, but they may also be caused because of childhood trauma. A doctor might recommend therapy or medication to help treat this disorder, so the child can function normally in school and social activities.

Information on Biofeedback for Anxiety

Individuals over the years have tried a number of techniques in order to control attacks that relate to anxiety issues. One of these techniques is known as biofeedback for anxiety. This method is a type of discipline used to assist in managing the functions of the body. This is not a new technique as it dates back to many years ago and has been used in a variety of eastern communities.

The biofeedback for anxiety is regarded as a natural therapy, however the technique is misunderstood. The practice of biofeedback involves the individual entering in a completely relaxed state in order to reduce anxiety and stress levels. Over time this technique can promote less panic attacks and eventually a stage that the individual no longer suffers from anxiety related issues.

In a biofeedback session, the individual will be wired up to a device that will monitor functions such as blood pressure and heart rate. The doctor or health practitioner will need to be trained and have the expertise in order to use this technique on patients. Individuals can benefit from attending training classes that will teach them how to use these methods on their own.

The machines that are used for biofeedback sessions are only necessary in determining if the individual is able to reach a relaxed state. The machine will no longer be required once the individual has successfully reached a relaxed state and has learnt how to use this method. The biofeedback for anxiety techniques can be applied whenever a patient is feeling stressed or anxious.

The main aspect of using biofeedback is a way for individuals to use a totally natural way in dealing with anxiety attacks. The more obvious route that most individuals follow for anxiety is taking prescribed medication in order to deal with their anxiety issues. The problem with using medications is that if the anxiety problem is not dealt with on an emotional and psychological level, the medication will only mask the problem.

Medication that is used on a long term basis can additionally cause unwanted side effects such as a dependency or addiction to the drug. Other adverse effects could be harmful to the body such as the organs and the stomach. By approaching a natural method such as biofeedback individuals can either reduce their medication or even reach a stage that the medication is no longer needed.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Understanding And Recognizing Baby Seizure Symptoms

Dealing with seizures in your child can be a very frightening experience, especially if you do not know what you are dealing with. Believe it or not, baby seizure symptoms can present themselves in a variety of ways. If you are able to keep a close eye on any changes in the movements your child makes of the overall level of vigilance you notice, you may start to be able to tell if there is something wrong. From there, proper diagnosis from a physician will help you to pinpoint what is happening and then you can begin treatment as soon as possible.

With neonatal baby seizure symptoms, or a child that is a month old or younger, you will often notice a seizure that is mild in terms of intensity and also fairly short in duration. Some of these seizures may be so slight in nature that it can be difficult to tell if one is actually happening. Some of the symptoms can include rhythmic jerking of the legs and hands, difficulty with breathing, repetitive chewing and/or sucking or the body tensing up.

Other baby seizure symptoms that you can look out for will come along with what are called generalized absence seizures. These can include extended response time, repetitive blinking, rapid pulse rate, dilated pupils, and more. There could even be times when the child will all of a sudden stop doing whatever movement they were involved in.

Sensory seizures will often present themselves in the form of a variety of hallucinations. These can be tactile, olfactory, auditory and visual in nature. With autonomic seizures, there will often be sweating, pale skin, fluctuations of the breathing and heart rate or even a feverish feeling. Complex partial seizures are often found in older children and can show up as the child feeling afraid, having a difficult time keeping up with time, or even having a whole lot of confusion or memory loss when it comes to the events which just occurred.

No matter what, if you believe that your child is going through seizures, it is important that you have the ability to understand how to recognize all of the symptoms. Once you are able to pick out the baby seizure symptoms and convey them to your child's physician, you will have a much better chance of treatment and a good outcome for your child.

Monday, 27 January 2014

Practice Anxiety Management Techniques For A Better Life

Everyone experiences anxiety at certain points in their life, but there are also a variety of anxiety disorders that are diagnosed in which case symptoms and their severity are more often experienced by those patients. Anxiety can be difficult to manage, and it not only affects a person mentally but physically to the point that daily life can be challenging. There are anxiety management techniques that can be practiced along with the other recommended treatments for a patients condition so that a person can better manage their anxiety and live a more normal life.

Knowing anxiety triggers and certain situations that arise that bring about anxiety can help you manage your body physically, in turn possibly preventing anxiety attacks. For example, when you are waiting or impatient about something, settle down and give yourself some time to do breathing exercises. This practice can be very calming, as can listening to some soft music or redirecting your thoughts to a better place.

When identifying underlying causes for anxiety, people often further stress themselves out. This is due to the fact that increased anxiety isn't attributed to a specific problem but instead to the perception of the individual. Therefore, the next key step here is to work on reducing and eliminating stress in your life vs adding to your stress by trying to further identify problems.

It seems hard to redirect worry and tell yourself that there is no reason to feel stressed or anxious about something. However, if you force yourself to do this and consciously make the decision to not listen to what your body is trying to tell you about anxiety and fear, you are going to notice that you can slip into a state of relaxation. One time doing this can help you notice what to do the next time worry and fear arises.

One trick that is also often recommended when it comes to anxiety management techniques is laughing to decrease tension and anxiety. Try it sometime, as it will have an effect. If you think about it, your natural way of thinking when anxious is to continue to examine what is making you anxious. How is this going to help? Instead, focus on laughing even when you don't find it reasonable, and by all means use this technique to remember what makes you feel like laughing. This can start to reverse the way you feel and make you less anxious. Combining an assortment of anxiety management techniques can help you better understand the reasoning behind your disorder and how you can live more comfortably and relaxed.

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Common Anxiety Attack Symptoms In Children And Adults

Many children and adults today suffer from what is called an anxiety attack. It is a condition in which the individual feels intense feelings of fright or worry, usually associated with interacting within a stressful situation. Although not directly related to a serious medical condition, the dramatic response from these individuals makes this an area of deep concern. These feelings will induce the production of stress hormones which can create biochemical changes that augment a person's behavior dramatically. Anxiety attack symptoms can be controlled if proper treatment methods are implemented, a few of which will be discussed in this article below.

Common Anxiety Attack Symptoms

There are many common symptoms associated with those experiencing anxiety attack symptoms. These symptoms include, but are not limited to strong feelings of fear, a choking sensation, a sense of foreboding, a burning sensation on the skin, an urge to escape or run, nausea, and in many cases profuse sweating. These symptoms can be experienced regardless of the person's age, often leaving the individual with feelings of emotional duress and confusion. Since each person is chemically unique, anxiety will affect them in completely different ways, yet the end result is still an experience that can be controlled to some degree.

Are Anxiety Attacks Resolvable?

According to many medical doctors, most people that suffer from anxiety attacks can utilize a wide variety of potential remedies that can provide some relief. Anxiety disorders may occur frequently, inconsistently, or be persistent and pervasive throughout a person's life. The sensations that are experienced are merely reactions based upon what is happening within their mind and body. If this can be brought into balance, it is possible that the symptoms of anxiety may dissipate and eventually disappear.

Treatment Options For Anxiety Attacks

For both adults and children, there are several options for treating their anxiety disorder. Many doctors will prescribe medications that have been shown to produce positive results. However, other techniques have been developed have shown great promise above and beyond pharmaceutical remedies. These techniques, called neurofeedback and biofeedback, have shown great promise, effectively changing the way that a person's brain operates by normalizing, and then optimizing, their overall mental functions. If you would like to learn more about treating your anxiety with these new and advanced techniques, you can learn more information on this topic by visiting this website today:

Friday, 24 January 2014

Understanding Anti Seizure Medications

Anti Seizure Medications are an important part of epilepsy and seizure disorder treatments and can help bring relief for sufferers as well as improve quality of life.Many people aren't aware of the devastating effects seizures can have on an otherwise healthy individual - in cases of severe juvenile epilepsy of seizure disorders the child can regress, becoming non-verbal and unable to walk due to the severity of the seizures. For these patients controlling the seizures is imperative to survival and achieving a high quality of life.

There are many different types Anti Seizure Medications that are used to treat different types of seizures and medications that work well for one type of seizure might not work for another type. For this reason patients who experience various types of seizures will need several medications to control them completely. In severe cases when the brain is in a state of perpetual seizure (Status Epilepticus) emergency medical intervention is necessary and emergency anti seizure medications either intravenously or via suppository.

Depakote (Valproic Acid)&  Zarontin  are the most common medications of choice for Petit Mal seizures. These seizures, distinguished by staring spells that could be mistaken for daydreaming, are usually responsive to medication. Depakote, like many other anticonvulsant medications are dangerous, medical supervision is essential.

Dilantin is another anti seizure medication, and has proven effective to control partial seizures, as well as generalized tonic-clonic seizures. It is also commonly administered intravenously to quickly control active seizures in emergency settings. In many cases it is used in conjunction with Topamax, Trileptal or Lamictal for complete seizure control.

Almost 70% of epilepsy patients are effectively treated with medications. For the remaining 30% surgery can sometimes help control the seizures. Finding the right combination of medications isn't an exact science, and in many cases patients go by trial and error for years in an attempt to find the dosage or combination that works best for them.

An accuracy diagnosis of not only the type of seizure, but the type of epilepsy is very important to finding the right medication quickly. Regardless, each patient is different, and the final treatment will depend on the patients reaction to the medications prescribed as well as and side effects that they might experience due to the medications.

In many cases, even if there is no obvious negative side effects, regular tests are required to avoid liver damage due to the medications.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

The Pros and Cons of Anti Seizure Medication

For a person, such as an epileptic, who is prone to severe seizures, anti seizure medications have proven a real blessing. Fear of seizures restricts these people from living their lives to the full, either due to fear of injury or fear of embarrassment. So an effective medication to control those seizures is like a new lease on life in a sense - a resurrection.

Every individual reacts differently to pharmaceuticals; however, and some of the anti seizure medications are very potent drugs. Anyone who is considering using one of these types of drugs needs to weigh the pros and cons of such use. Usually the threat of seizure far outweighs any negative side effects of a drug. Still, use should be closely monitored and your doctor's instructions should be followed religiously.

Surprisingly, certain anti seizure medications are proving worthwhile today in treating other health disorders besides epilepsy. One of those is Parkinson's Disease, along with its distant cousin, Essential Tremors. Many sufferers of the type of shaking experienced by those with Parkinson's Disease have found a degree of relief through the use of certain anti seizure medications.

As with any medication, however, there are no guarantees. Some have benefited greatly while others see little difference when it comes to their tremors. Even those who do see a difference in the degree of shaking cannot count on any medication stopping the shaking entirely. Still, it is an option that may be worthy of consideration for those who find the shaking intolerable.

Although anti seizure medications can be a blessing, they are not for everybody. Your neurologist is in the best position to determine which medication is right for you. He or she will take into consideration any other medications you are taking, as well as other health issues that may come into play. Also, these medications can be very potent and even habit forming if not monitored. Certainly what is recommended for an adult may be entirely wrong for a child suffering from epilepsy.

This being so, never assume what is best for yourself. Sit down with your neurologist and discuss your options before coming to any decision. Also keep in mind that there is always a possibility of an adverse reaction to whatever drug may be prescribed. It may take a little trial and error before arriving at the right medication for you.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Positive Benefits Of An ADHD Brain Scan

ADHD, otherwise known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a condition that many children and adults suffer from today. It is usually exemplified by abnormal behaviors such as being unable to control one's actions, being over active, or being unable to focus. Unlike traditional illnesses that can be determined using simple scientific tests, diagnosing a person with ADHD is limited to documenting their symptoms, or having them take a written test. Unfortunately, not every person is genetically the same, and therefore there will be differentiations between each individual that has this condition. This has led some researchers to use advanced technologies in order to discover how to successfully treat this disorder using ADHD brain scans.

Understanding The Human Brain

There are many scientific tests that people undergo in order to diagnose certain conditions. Doctors will recommend an electrocardiogram, or ECG, when trying to determine if a person's heart is functioning properly. Likewise, to find blockages or injuries that may have occurred within a person's kidney or liver, they will use a magnetic resonance imaging device, also called an MRI, to look inside of the person to determine if problems do exist. In the same way, scientists today are beginning to realize that looking into the human brain may be the best way to discover a cure for those that have ADHD.

Different ADHD Brain Scans That Are Utilized

There are several different scientific tools that are used today in order to do brain imaging. Some of these devices are called single photon emission computed tomography or SPECT scans, positron emission tomography or PET scans and functional magnetic resonance imaging or fMRI scans. Since people with ADHD have the brains that develop and mature much more slowly than regular people, it is possible that brainwave activity may be altered to such a degree that it is causing imbalances because of the slow development.

Acceptance Of ADHD Brain Scan Evidence

Although the scientific community is open to the idea of using certain scans for the purpose of diagnosing ADHD, they are cautious about using some of them. The SPECT scan requires both children and adults to be exposed to small amounts of radiation in order to record the readings, something that scientists currently believe is much too risky when it comes to making a simple diagnosis. Fortunately, other types of scans including the Neuropsychiatric EEG Based Assessment Aid (NEBA) system is now being used to diagnose whether or not teens and children have ADHD. This paves the way for other technology to be used to achieve similar results. If you would like to learn more information about innovative technology that is currently being used to diagnose and enhance brain functioning today, please visit this website for more information:

Sunday, 19 January 2014

ADHD Action Guide: Learn What Approach To Take Regarding Symptoms

ADHD is a medical condition that is often diagnosed in children, and while many people see significant improvement as they mature, the symptoms do follow them into adulthood on occasion as well. This disorder is becoming more widespread, and it can even be misdiagnosed on occasion as symptoms can be similar to bipolar disorder and also some forms of autism.

Managing ADHD symptoms require different prescribed medications for different people and according to the opinion of different medical professionals as well. People with the condition have trouble focusing in school and at work, can have a hard time with relationships, can be extremely impulsive, have issues meeting deadlines and much more. While the range of symptoms is similar from person to person, the severity of these symptoms is what varies the most according to individual cases.

An ADHD action guide is going to give you information about self help strategies to practice along with the medication you take so that managing your daily life can be easier for you. These techniques focus on self control, organization, productivity and more. Overall, sometimes the symptoms of ADHD can really mess with a person's sense of self worth, but what he or she needs to learn is properly managing the symptoms can help them not only live normally but feel like they are blessed.

Blessed? Yes, everyone is an individual, and each person has strengths. While you need to manage your ADHD symptoms, many people find that when symptoms are under control, they turn into strengths they can use to go after their dreams. This is something that is learned while following an ADHD action guide. People that do not properly manage their symptoms are often under the impression that they can only manage their condition with medications. While medications are required, these are not the cure all solution.

As well, many people confuse ADD and ADHD. Yes, they are similar conditions with similar symptoms, but they are not the same thing. As you work to learn more about your condition and what you can do to see improvement, you're going to learn patience. Patience is something that is hard to grasp at times when you have ADHD, but an improvement in symptoms is going to take time and require patience on your part as you follow an ADHD action guide.

Since ADHD is most often diagnosed in children who are still growing, self image can really be an issue. It is important that parents work closely with their children to help them know what to do and can guide them along the way.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Is There A Way Of Preventing Autism?

Autism is sort of an umbrella term that covers a lot of different symptoms that might be displayed by a child or adult. These symptoms could also vary in there severity. The thing is that there is no blood or chemical test for any type of autism, so medical researchers are not even sure if everybody who gets diagnosed with this disorder has the same problem with the same cause.

What does that mean if you are planning to have a baby? That means there is no reliable way of preventing autism at this time.

What Causes Autism?

Most scientists and doctors agree that there is a strong genetic link to some types of this disorder. In the past, less people were actually diagnosed with this disorder, but when parents think about their relatives, they might begin to see that some of them had signs of living with autism without even knowing it. While autism is sometimes severely disabling, many adults learn how to cope with this disorder and lead productive and happy lives. Some autistic people even have exceptional talents.

It is also unclear why the rate of children who are diagnosed with autism has increased. It might simply be that diagnosis has improved. In the past, fairly high functioning people with some types of this disorder might have simply been considered odd or slow. Of course, many people with autism are very intelligent, but they might not exhibit very good social graces.

Is There A Way Of Preventing Autism?

Some people blame the increased rate of autism on older maternal ages, shots, food, or the environment. While some of these might cause some forms of this disorder, no actual scientific link has been established. Also, no official body like the CDC has official guidelines for preventing autism because it is not truly known how or if that can be done.

Until then, it is probably best for expectant mothers to simply take care of their health as well as they can. The same could be said for new mothers who want to prevent any sort of health problems for themselves and their children. Listen to the doctor's recommendation for diets and supplements, avoid alcohol or illegal drugs, and get plenty or rest and relaxation while pregnant.

Mothers might not be able to control their genetics, but they can try to control possible environmental factors as much as possible.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Tips To Diagnose Panic Disorder Without Agoraphobia

Do you know someone that is having panic attacks and also has an unnatural fear of the places and things that could bring on those panic attacks? Then it is possible they suffer from panic disorder with agoraphobia, however it is also possible to suffer from panic disorder without agoraphobia as well. Let's take a look at the differences between the two diagnosis so you can better understand and help this person.

First of all, panic disorder shows itself in panic attacks that come at unexpected times and recur fairly frequently. Also, people that have these attacks are usually so traumatized by them that they develop a fear of having another. A panic attack is typically characterized when a person is having and overwhelming sense of panic that is also combined with shortness of breath and an unusually rapidly beating heart. Another part of this disorder includes the constant worry of having a medical condition that medical professionals cannot find, and this worrying usually continues for months.It's possible to have panic disorder without agoraphobia, but the two are commonly connected.

Agoraphobia is usually combined with panic disorder and it is the fear of having another attack along with extreme avoidance of any situation where one could have another panic attack. There would be an extreme anxiety and fear of any place where the person has had a panic attack or believes strongly that they can have another panic attack. This fear is extreme and no amount of convincing is enough for them to overcome this fear. Eventually the fear becomes generalized to include nearly everything outside of home, especially crowded locations, as these are especially prone to panic attacks.

So, if you are experiencing the panic attacks with all of the psychological and physiological indications, plus, you also have the a natural fear in the extreme, of any place that you could have these panic attacks that is generalized to the whole of out-of-doors, then you most likely have panic disorder with agoraphobia. If on the other hand you can still leave your home, and you don't have an avoidance problem with crowded places, noisy places, or busy places, then you most likely have panic disorder without agoraphobia. Although this is a fairly easy way to diagnose your problem, it is always best to check with the medical professional who specializes in these types of disorders to be sure.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Tips To Discover If Your Child Has Been A Victim Of Misdiagnosis Of ADHD

More and more children and teenagers are being diagnosed with ADHD every single day. There has been many theories as to the causes of this massive increase in ADHD cases ranging from vaccinations, viral diseases, medications taken by the mother while pregnant, and heredity in addition to others. This has caused a massive increase in the prescription of medications to treat the disease. These medications are not entirely safe, and lead to other complications equal to, or more serious than ADHD. Therefore, it is very important for any parent that has a child that has been diagnosed with ADHD to take extra steps to evaluate whether or not their child is a victim of misdiagnosis of ADHD.

When looking at a typical child that is constantly talking, incredibly active, and overly impulsive in their actions, it is easy to think that the child may have ADHD and never stopped to consider the possibility that it could be another, similar disorder or just a temporary stage that the child was passing through at the time. So, let's take a look at some of the reasons that a person could receive a misdiagnosis of ADHD and how this could be avoided in most cases.

The first reason that many children are misdiagnosed with ADHD is that, while they are being examined they exhibited all the symptoms of rambunctious behavior, limited attention span, acting on impulses, etc. but, at other times none of the symptoms displayed themselves at all. In order to be a correct diagnosis of ADHD the examination needs to show that the patient exhibits these symptoms in more than one type of location, preferably many locations, and that the symptoms are causing problems with the child's relationships with others and overall development. Otherwise you may have a classic case of misdiagnosis of ADHD.

Another good indicator of misdiagnosis of ADHD would be when the child has been treated with quite a number of medications for ADHD and none of them have seen to be effective. This may indicate that ADHD is not the problem and either the child has a completely different disease or possibly nothing at all, depending. Or upon being treated with ADHD medications either the symptoms subside for a while and surprisingly return, or get significantly worse at the very beginning of treatment. This would indicate ADHD was most likely not the cause of the symptoms and a specialist should be consulted to diagnose the correct cause and prescribe the correct medication.

So if any of the above sounds familiar to you, then it is of utmost importance that you find a medical professional who specializes in ADHD and take your child for a complete reevaluation as soon as possible. Of course, the objective would be to find the real root of the problem whether it be exposure to lead paint, pesticides, inadequate exercise, food allergies, or many other natural and man-made causes where their elimination would be the solution to the problem rather than medication. An appointment to consult with your medical professional, then, should be your next stop to find out if another misdiagnosis of ADHD has happened in your case as well.

Some Interesting Facts about Autism

There are interesting facts about autism, and its prevalence in the United States and around the world. Autism appears to be on the rise, affecting one out of every 88 children, and out of that, one in every 54 boys. Today, autism continues to be the fastest-growing developmental disability in the United States. On average, families dealing with an autistic child spend an average of $60,000 every year over and above families that do not have children with the condition.

The Cause
For unknown reasons, boys tend to be five times as likely to acquire autism compared to girls. To date there is no known cure or medical detection developed to identify or cure autism. Studies indicate that autism is likely a genetically-based condition. This is because scientific study indicates that an identical twin that has a twin sibling suffering from autism has an 80 percent to 90 percent chance of being diagnosed with the disorder.

Some scientists are attempting to determine if there are environmental triggers involving the onset of ASD (autism spectrum disorders). Over the last two decades, there was an increase in the belief that autism might have been caused by vaccinations. However, this belief has been disproven.

Diagnosing Autism

Some doctors are able to detect the beginning signs of autism in the very young, when infants are between six months and 18 months old. This is often because it is easy to detect that the baby is not fixating on objects, or responding to individuals. This exhibit is thought to be an early sign of ASD. Older children often failed to respond to a variety of conditions including making direct eye contact, not responding to their name, lacking joint attention, or engaging in repetitive movements including arm flapping or rocking.

The Treatment

One of the many interesting facts about autism involves the treatment. Scientists agree that the earlier intervention can be started with children suffering with ASD the better their prognosis. In fact, every child with autism can benefit significantly through early intervention. Some have the ability to attend mainstream educational facilities, when ABA (applied behavioral analysis) along with physical and speech therapy is blended into their learning model.

Another one of the many interesting facts about autism centers on its uniqueness. No two individuals suffering from ASD are alike. Fortunately, the condition is treatable, with many individuals experiencing greatly improved diverse symptoms caused by autistic spectrum disorder.

Monday, 13 January 2014

How To Prevent Autism - Before and After Conception

Commonly referred to as ASD, it seems that more and more children are showing signs of and being diagnosed with autism.  The many theories as to why we seem to be hearing of increased cases of autism vary from maternal age of conception to environmental factors, from genetic predispositions to a case of better diagnosis rather than increase.

Whatever the reason for the increase, our concern is on how to prevent autism, or at least taking whatever precautions we can do to minimize the risk. Below are a number of precautions that may reduce the risk of having a child with autism. In any case they will contribute to having a healthier and more enjoyable pregnancy.

How To Prevent Autism Before Conception

* Nearly all of us are magnesium deficient, supplement magnesium intake by 100-200g each day.

* Have your blood zinc and iron levels tested and if needed take action to correct the levels.

* Take a fish supplement daily (at least 500mg of DHA each day).

* Take a probiotic daily.

* Avoid eating fish.

* When possible choose organic foods, in particular eggs, meat, fruit and vegetables.

* Only use biological household products.

* Use only natural cosmetics.

* Drink filtered water only.

How To Prevent Autism After Conception

* Avoid taking drugs during the pregnancy. In particular be aware of seizure medication, although all drugs that have not been approved by your doctor should be avoided.

* Avoid all alcoholic beverages.

* Follow a good nutritional diet throughout the pregnancy.

* Avoid smoking, including passive smoking, during the full term.

* Following consultation with your doctor take a course of prenatal vitamins.

* Continue with an organic diet as much as possible.

* Particularly in the third trimester, aim for a diet that is higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates. Add good oils to your diet such as flax, olive and nut, in addition keep vegetable consumption high. 

* Minimize the amount of ultrasounds carried out.

* Remember that pregnancy stress is fetal stress. Try to keep your stress levels as low as possible during pregnancy.

* Stay fit and healthy, try to take a good walk every day.

* If possible avoid antibiotics.

The above tips are designed to assist in a healthy pregnancy and may reduce the risk of having a baby with autism. Remember to keep a balance though, pregnancy is not a disorder, it is a miracle that has been happening for a long time! Enjoy your pregnancy, stay healthy and take the necessary precautions possible to contribute to your baby's health.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Are Hormones and Anxiety Related?

Anxiety is defined as a psychological health disorder. Scientists have already found a connection between hormones and anxiety. They discovered that a woman's physical health and genetics played a vital role in the occurrence of anxiety and how it exhibits in a woman. As an example, if a woman is undergoing a low level of serotonin, she is more prone to suffer from anxiety or a bout of depression. Hormones are found to be directly responsible in decreasing or aggravating the symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Even though women are equipped with more coping skills for anxiety and other psychological disorders than men, a hormonal imbalance can be the trigger of her anxiety or depression most of the time. It could be the other way around too. That is, her anxiety can cause the hormonal imbalance either. Scientists are still experimenting to be 100% sure whether the reason for anxiety is a hormonal imbalance in the woman's body.

Anxiety is often caused when the woman's body is under stress. This is the reason for women who don't exercise on a regular basis or don't eat a healthy meal being more prone to anxiety than women who eat a balanced meal and exercise regularly. The main job of a hormone is to transport messages to the brain. If the hormones are unbalanced in the body, the body will not produce the right amount of neurotransmitters, which can result in anxiety and depression. This is how hormones and anxiety are closely related to each other.

Hormones that contribute to anxiety include: stress hormones a.k.a. cortisol. Cortisol and anxiety are related very closely. Anxiety is related to mental stress, and when a woman is under stress, she releases cortisol. Increase in the stress hormones can cause anxiety and depression in a person. Anything that could increase or decrease cortisol can help to cause anxiety in a person.

Anxiety is also possible during periods of hormonal changes such as pregnancy and menopause. These changes affects the sex hormones which are Estrogen and Testosterone. Fluctuations in these hormones can cause anxiety. An over active thyroid also can cause anxiety. A person suffering from hyperthyroidism will have an increased metabolic rate, which would increase the person's heart rate. Hyperthyroidism patients are also prone to get an anxiety attack more easily than a healthy person.

The above information confirms the connection between a person's hormones and anxiety disorders.